Monday, September 13, 2010

Radical - Chapter Seven

Here are some quotes from chapter seven of Radical:

"If people are dying and going to hell without ever even knowing there is a gospel, then we clearly have no time to waste our lives on an American dream."

"There is not one verse in the book of Acts where the gospel advances to the lost apart from a human agent."

"God clearly has decided to use the church - and only the church - as the means by which his gospel will go to the ends of the earth."

"Some wonder if it is unfair for God to allow so many to have no knowledge of the gospel. But there is no injustice in God. The injustice lies in Christians who possess the gospel and refuse to give their lives to making it known among those who haven't heard."

"The will of God is for you and me to give our lives urgently and recklessly to making the gospel and the glory of God known among all peoples, particularly those who have never even heard of Jesus."