Dates: May 10th-16th
Partner Ministry: Youth With a Mission (YWAM)
Statistics about Haiti:
- 9 million people
- 80% unemployment
- 80% live in poverty (less than $2 a day)
- 90% of the children suffer from water born illness
- 30% of the children reach the third grade in education
- 1% of the people control nearly 50% of the wealth
Mission Objectives:
Relief: Distribution of relief supplies (food, water, hygiene) to the thousands of refugees in St. Marc.
Construction: Assisting in the building of permanent homes and tents.
Medical: Helping with the clinic in St. Marc, as well as bringing aid to remote areas.
Children: Loving on the many street kids and orphans who are in such desperate need of hope.
Gospel: Sharing the love and message of Christ through compassion, scripture, and prayer.
Recent Activities at YWAM, St. Marc:
- Registration of over 12,000 refugees! Thousands have received food, medicine, and resources.
- 73 containers full of food, medicine, & building supplies have been distributed to the needy.
- 3 Tent Communities have been formed in St. Marc with a fourth and fifth in process.
- "Homes of Hope" is establishing the urbanization development of rural areas for refugees.
Please consider participating in this outreach through your prayers and financial support. Our team's remaining financial goal is $13,000. Donations may be made online or by mail. All donations will go directly towards this outreach. Please make checks out to "Christ Fellowship" with "Haiti Trip" in the memo.
Christ Fellowship
Attn. Outreach Department - Haiti
5343 Northlake Boulevard,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 33418
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