Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Life of Chai

I have never been a big fan of coffee or tea. There have been multiple times when I tried to like coffee, but I couldn't get used to the taste or the way it would make my stomach feel so I gave up. And I've always liked sweet tea, but hot tea wasn't something I was able to get in to because I didn't think it had much flavor. But, as we've traveled around the world over the past year, I've been introduced to a number of different flavors of tea (I'm looking at you South African Rooibos) that I've started to like.

Milk Frother = The Difference-Maker
So once we returned home and went to a normal grocery store, I was intrigued to find the Tazo Chai Latte in a concentrate where it is already made and you mix it with milk. I tried some of it and really liked it. There is a great combination of cinnamon, vanilla, and other spices that remind me of pumpkin pie. Then, once we purchased our insanely cool Nespresso Milk Frother, I figured I could become a master Chai Tea Latte maker. I must say, I think I've perfected it. I put about 3/4 cup of skim milk in the milk frother and heat up about 1/2 cup of the Tazo Tea in the microwave for one minute. The milk frother heats the milk and I pour it into the glass first when it is ready, which takes about 45 seconds. Then, I pour in the hot tea, which gives it the cool look and allows the milk foam to stay on the top of the drink. I'm still working on creating designs in the foam as I pour in the tea.

Starbucks' Tazo Chai Latte
My Tazo Chai Latte
I noticed Starbucks offers their own Tazo Chai Tea Latte and I tried it this past Sunday when we were there to watch church. It was very good - hot, nice foam, sweet, blend of spices - tasted just like mine. They probably use the same ingredients, but don't have the same milk frother and use less of the tea concentrate, and they happen to charge $3 - for a small! I think it would cost me $5 (we won't talk about how much I paid for the frother) to have the ingredients to make 10 mediums of my own. This allows me to save money in hopes of getting a camera that can take pictures to make my drinks look as good as theirs.

My Chai Latte's have now become a regular drink and it's a great post-breakfast beverage to have throughout the morning. I would become a fan of hot tea by picking a high maintenance drink that requires a spiced tea concentrate and frothed milk. Keeping it simple.